Iron Monk Test 10 – Tacoma Daily News - Stock Region News



Monday, October 31, 2022

Iron Monk Test 10 – Tacoma Daily News

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Disclaimer: Our articles strive to abide by all FTC Guidelines. We believe in honesty of relationship, opinion, and identity. Many or all of the products featured in this review are from our partners who compensate us. This may influence which products we write about and where and how the product appears on a page. However, this does not influence our evaluations and reviews. Our opinions are our own. Thank you for reading


Stock picking services are in high demand nowadays, as more people want to learn how to trade stocks from the comfort of their home. According to Credit Suisse, after consisting of 10% of the market as recently as 2019, small-time retail traders now account for roughly ⅓ of U.S. trading volume. In fact, according to the Financial Times , retail trading may now account for almost as much trading volume as mutual funds and hedge funds- combined!

Image Credit: Financial Times

No longer do the suits on Wall Street run things. It’s you.

Summary Tables

Rockwell Trading For Best for Options Traders
Bullseye Trades For Options Traders/Swing Traders
Marketfy For Various investors
Trendspider For Technical analysts and chartists
Trade-Ideas For Day traders

Armed with little more than a smartphone or computer, investors like you move the markets. You no longer need a broker or a financial advisor to hold your hand. You don’t need to wait on anything or anyone to chase your financial destiny.

You only need the proper resources and tools to pick the best stocks. The power is in your hands, and never has there been a more opportune time to grab the bull by horns.

Even though the market is uncertain, there is always a bull market somewhere. Successful stock picking involves many strategies to help you profit from the chaos and pick winning trades.


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But if you want to fast-track your gains, step 1 is selecting the best stock picking service.

Of course, you should always do your due diligence. But especially if you’re only starting, stock picking services can save you time and make you money with accurate outperforming selections.

Anyone can buy an index fund or use a stock market advisor- either a robot or a real person. But if you want to tap into your potential and swing for the fences, doing it yourself by finding the best stock picking service is the way to go.

Best for Options Traders

The PowerX Optimiser Trading SoftwareRockwell Trading Read more

Best for Various Investors

Trade Alerts & SignalsBullseye Read more

Best for technical analysts and chartists

Technical Analysis SoftwareMarketfy Read more

Best for Day Traders

Trading SoftwareTrendspider Read more

Best for Various Traders

Marketing Scanning SoftwareScanz Read more

Best for Various Traders

Various Products and Read more

Best for Buy-and-hold growth investors

Stock Advisor ServiceThe Motley Fool Stock Advisor Read more

Best for Various Traders

Alpha Picks Stock Picking ToolSeeking Alpha Read more

Best for Various Traders

AI Forcasting SoftwareVantage Point Read more

Best for Various Traders

Breakfree Trading™ system and moreBreak Free Trading Read more

Best for Various Traders

Various ProductsChaikin Analaytics Read more

What Is a Stock Picking Service?

Picking the best stocks to buy, especially when the market is volatile, can be time-consuming and confusing. For this reason, it’s critical to use quality stock picking services, newsletters, subscriptions, and educational sites.

Stock picking services aim to help investors dig through the clutter and find distinct stocks poised to outperform the stock market. They take the time to research, analyze extensive data and then recommend stocks. While you should always do your due diligence, stock picking services do the hard work for you.

Essentially stock picking services fast-track what can be a painstakingly long and complicated process.

Many stock picking services use industry experts or stock market advisors to suggest stocks. Others function more as stock market newsletters. Others provide all-in-one stock picking services, including free stock picks or a stock alert app.


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But the best stock services often focus on a specific type of stock, niche, or investment philosophy. They go beyond the market and dig for opportunities that many have overlooked.

Some of the best stock picking services may also deal with:

  • Cryptocurrency
  • Options
  • Precious Metals
  • Bonds
  • Mutual Funds
  • Real Estate
  • Retirement Investments

Stock Picking Services are Not the Same as Doing Your Own Research

Stock picking services do precisely what their name suggests. They are a service that picks stocks—nothing more, nothing less. Often, the terms “stock picking service,” “stock picking subscription,” and “stock picking site” can be used interchangeably. Subscriptions can include a stock alert app, private website access, a stock signals app, or a stock market newsletter.

It’s also fairly common to lump stock picking services with stock screeners. They are not the same. Stock screeners are tools that help you do the research on your own, and filter through thousands of stocks based on your investment criteria. Stock picking services do the screening for you and make the recommendations.

Stock scanners are more similar to stock picking services. They stream stock-related data and alerts in real time and automate it all.

Then there are the e-brokerages that physically enable you to buy or sell stocks online.

It’s confusing because many of these services often overlap. For example, E-brokerages like Schwab, Fidelity, E-Trade, and Robinhood all have a stock screener. Other websites like Finbox have stock screeners too. Some stock screeners also offer real-time stock scanning.

How to Choose the Best Stock Picking Service

There are many options for quality stock picking. That’s why it’s crucial to have strict criteria for what to look for when attempting to find the best stock picking service. While there are many excellent options to choose from, you have several factors to consider first.

The Stock Picking Service’s Focus

Stock pickers don’t only vary in features and quality. They also vary in focus. Although one stock picker could be better than another in terms of reputation and other criteria, if that stock picker focuses on a different type of sector or investment philosophy than you are comfortable with, move on.

For example, some stock pickers specialize in serving day traders or swing traders. If you’re an investor looking for a service that identifies quick-moving stocks in a short time or has a higher risk appetite, a stock picking service focusing on this would be better for you. On the other hand, a service like this wouldn’t work for you if you’re a long-term, buy-and-hold investor. You’d find a stock picking service recommending stocks that could grow methodically and be more stable over the long term as a better fit.

Be sure you also understand the method behind a stock picking service’s madness. Reputable stock pickers explain their approach and strategy. Please do your due diligence and ensure it aligns with your values and goals.


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Reputation and track record are crucial when selecting the best stock picking service. You want to sleep at night knowing you made the best choices possible with your money, primarily if you work with a service that streamlines the stock picking process.

Choosing a stock picking service is so much more than going with a hot and trendy name. Anyone can make lofty claims about beating the market by x % or making stock picks that gained this much or that much. But you need to go with a stock picking service that has a strong reputation and a long-term track record. The longer the track record, the better. Look for experience. Anyone can get lucky and beat the market over one year, two years, or even three years. But if they have consistently done so for years and years, it indicates skill.

No stock picking service is correct 100% of the time, but the best ones make the right calls more often than not.

Be sure to go with a stock picking service with integrity and ethics. Ethical and transparent stock pickers never lie or mislead their readers. Some shady stock picking services might record trade wins but leave losing trades open, for instance. They also don’t claim wins based on unrealized gains or hypothetical profits they didn’t close out.

Going through customer reviews shouldn’t be the end all be all when you select a stock picking, as it can be subjective. After all, people are more likely to speak out if they have a negative experience than a positive one. But what customers say is always valuable. If there’s a Trustpilot score or a BBB rating, that speaks volumes.


Transparency is vital, both in how the service works and how the service picks stocks. Stock picking services shouldn’t only tell you what stocks could rise. They must explain why. Facts should back up recommendations they make, and technicals, indicators, or actionable signals should explain why they see a stock moving in a particular direction.

The best things in life aren’t free; neither should be free stock picks. But be sure that a stock picking service is transparent to the point where you can replicate their strategies and recommendations. Their system and methods shouldn’t be so opaque or hard to understand to the point where you couldn’t do them yourself.

Ensure their suggested stocks aren’t only available to insiders or institutions.

Consider stock picking services that offer free trial periods and money-back guarantees. Those can go a long way in adding to a stock picking service’s credibility and transparency.

Low Cost (Or Worth the Cost)

A stock picking service that offers high-quality recommendations consistently could be worth the cost. Free stock picks may not always be winners.

On the other hand, many online brokerages have tapped into the retail trading revolution by offering zero commission fees. Investors want to keep as much of their profits as possible. The lower the cost of a stock picking service, the greater your profit margin.


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Free may not always mean free. There could always be hidden fees or secret sponsors. Do your due diligence.

A good stock picking service should pay for itself. If the recommendations are strong enough, you should more than recoup whatever fees they have.

Educational Materials

Stock picking services do the dirty work for you. But that doesn’t mean you should entirely rely on them.

The best stock picking services should provide comprehensive educational materials and resources that teach you the ins and outs of researching and analyzing stocks on your own. While stock picking services don’t necessarily have to give away the keys to their kingdom, they should provide you with enough quality educational resources to do your due diligence and research.

The Best Stock Picking Services

There are many options for quality stock picking. That’s why it’s crucial to have strict criteria for what to look for when attempting to find the best stock picking service. While there are many excellent options to choose from, you have several factors to consider first.

  • Rockwell Trading
  • Bullseye
  • Marketfy
  • Trendspider
  • Trade-Ideas
  • Scanz
  • The Motley Fool Stock Advisor
  • Seeking Alpha
  • Vantage Point Software
  • Breakfree Trading
  • Chaikin Analytics

We will go through each of these services, examine the pros and cons, explain what type of investor they fit best, and what a subscription can offer you.

Best for Options Traders

The PowerX Optimiser Trading SoftwareRockwell Trading Read more

Best for Various Investors

Trade Alerts & SignalsBullseye Read more

Best for technical analysts and chartists

Technical Analysis SoftwareMarketfy Read more

Best for Day Traders

Trading SoftwareTrendspider Read more

Best for Various Traders

Marketing Scanning SoftwareScanz Read more

Best for Various Traders

Various Products and Read more

Best for Buy-and-hold growth investors

Stock Advisor ServiceThe Motley Fool Stock Advisor Read more

Best for Various Traders

Alpha Picks Stock Picking ToolSeeking Alpha Read more

Best for Various Traders

AI Forcasting SoftwareVantage Point Read more

Best for Various Traders

Breakfree Trading™ system and moreBreak Free Trading Read more

Best for Various Traders

Various ProductsChaikin Analaytics Read more


Option97 (PowerX Optimizer)s Traders



  • Free, valuable educational resources
  • PowerX Optimizer (PXO) is likely the most advanced stock software available to the public
  • No brokerage or trading platform required
  • 30-Day Money Back Guarantee
  • A+ on BBB, #1 ranked stock picking service on SiteJabber
  • Trades aren’t right all the time
  • PXO is pricey ($1,997 one-time payment)
  • May not be suited for beginners

Founded in 2005 by Markus Heitkoetter, Rockwell Trading is a comprehensive stock picking service. A professional trader built Rockwell for traders and offers industry-leading software, tools, and resources.

Rockwell’s premium PowerX Optimizer is one of the world’s best trading software. It’s hedge-fund quality, the best A.I. stock picker, and the most advanced trading software tool available to the public. Big banks like Barclays, Chase, and Credit Suisse use similar tools.

PXO scans 12,000+ US stocks, 5,000+ Canadian stocks, and 140+ cryptocurrencies. Its proprietary algorithm analyzes countless stock signals to find the best entry, profit targets, and stop loss recommendations. Each stock is deeply backtested, data is analyzed in real-time, and almost 4.8 million calculations are conducted nightly before the market opens in the morning.

The PXO trading system also selects the best stocks for each individual trader based on account size and risk tolerance.

Transparency and education are also outstanding. PXO offers free weekly live sessions with Markus where you can ask questions in real-time. You also receive access to 12 Training Modules with tons of content, including a deep dive into Rockwell’s two core strategies.

A network of like-minded traders and superb customer support further explains why BBB gives Rockwell an A+ rating and why SiteJabber rates it the #1 ranked stock picking service.


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Options Traders/Swing Traders


7-day free trial, $48/year

  • $48/year is very reasonable
  • 7-day free trial
  • Enormous library of educational resources and videos
  • Usage of technicals and stock trading signals to make weekly stock picks
  • Stock alerts
  • Non-refundable
  • Big on self-promotion
  • has had fraud allegations due to its excessive marketing (settled in 2021)

Bullseye Trades is famed swing trader Jeff Bishop’s flagship options trading educational stock picking service.

For only $48/year, you can access countless resources to help learn Jeff Bishop and co-founder Jason Bond’s methods in finding high-value options trades.

Jeff has a 20-year career as a trader on Wall Street and founded the stock education service in 2010. Bullseye Trades began ten years later as an extension of this platform.

Bullseye Trades analyzes stock trading signals and technicals to forecast price movements and identify real-time price patterns. It then executes risk-managed options trades.

Bullseye Trades has outstanding educational resources for options trading. As a Bullseye subscriber, you’ll receive interactive live trading broadcasts, countless video tutorials, walkthroughs, and Q&As hosted by Jeff.

Bullseye also functions like a stock alerts app. Every Monday morning, before markets open, stock alerts will notify you of the “Pick of the Week.”

There are a few things to consider, in any case. Jeff is a significant self-promoter and controversial for some. For instance, in 2020, ​​was accused by the FTC of defrauding consumers.

However, customers appear to love the service as seen by its outstanding 4.7 out of 5 rating on TrustPilot.


OVarious investors


Platform itself is free. Aggregates resources from “Mavens” or industry experts ranging from $40-$100 per month

  • Aggregates hundreds of financial resources from industry experts
  • Provides newsletters with stock alerts, educational materials, books and webinars
  • Owned by Benzinga
  • All products go through a rigorous verification process
  • Not reviewed by Trustpilot or BBB
  • Mavens may earn commissions

Founded in 2015 and owned by famed financial education and news platform Benzinga, Marketfy is the first stock picking service of its kind. It’s a curator, aggregator, and marketplace for everything involving trading.

Marketfy provides users with a plethora of educational resources from roughly 20 “Mavens” or stock trading experts promoted by the site. These resources include stock market newsletters, stock alerts, educational materials, books, and webinars. Some of the newsletters provided publish such helpful real-time content that they almost function like a stock alerts app.


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All products featured on Marketfy undergo a rigorous verification process for quality assurance. Marketfy wants only the best resources available for purchase on its website. ​

Other Marketfy content focuses exclusively on options trading, zero-sum investment strategies, or specific sectors. Just be careful not to rack up too hefty a monthly bill if you have a variety of interests. Visiting Marketfy is more like visiting an of stock picking services rather than just having the resources in front of you.

Consider that Marketfy is not reviewed on Trustpilot or by the BBB. Marketfy prides itself on its rigorous verification process, but due your due diligence. When you subscribe to a service from one of Marketfy’s Mavens, Marketfy also likely earns a commission.


Technical analysts and chartist


Premium – $39/month;

Elite – $79/month;

Advanced – $129/month.

Yearly subscriptions are also available and can save 16%

  • ​​Might be the best stock picking service for technical analysts
  • Tools for automated technical analysis, highly customizable charts, multiple timeframe analysis, and stock alerts
  • No extra charges for real-time data feed
  • Extensive video library
  • Not for beginners- must have basic knowledge of technical analysis
  • No social trading or community
  • No copy-trading
  • Still many kinks to work out

Founded by Dan Ushman and Ruslan Lagutin in 2016, TrendSpider may be the best stock picking service if you’re a technical analyst or chart enthusiast.

Ushman and Lagutin’s mission in starting TrendSpider was to create a cutting-edge charting platform that helps traders worldwide improve their results. The platform has evolved significntly over the last six years, and some bugs still exist. But it is one of the best stock picking services for making technical analysis a better and more consistent tool in helping traders avoid mistakes.

TrendSpider is a unique platform and an innovative, fully customizable automation engine. It also provides real-time alerts and supports 55,000+ assets, including stocks, ETFs, cryptos, FX, indices, futures, commodities, and more.

TrendSpider has all the tools to help your technical analysis and resources to become a wiser, faster, and more efficient trader. These tools include

  • A comprehensive toolkit to help traders hone technical skills and technical trading abilities
  • A free data feed including free stock signals, real-time data on stocks, forex, and cryptocurrencies, and delayed data on futures and indices
  • A user-friendly experience
  • Easy-to-use technical analysis tools and charts
  • Free support and one-on-one training


Day traders


Standard – $999/17 months, $118 monthly.

Premium plan – $1999/17 months, $228 monthly

  • Live simulated trading, trading rooms, and streaming trade ideas
  • The Holly A.I. service may be the best A.I. stock picker on the market
  • Chart-based visual trade assistant
  • ~500 price alerts
  • Subscriptions are expensive
  • No mobile app
  • Not for beginners
  • Features its own internal broker- may not be easily integrated with other brokers

Trade Ideas has been at the forefront of the retail trading revolution since 2003. Today, it sits as one of the best A.I. stock pickers and a quality platform for day traders.

Trade Ideas is pricey. A standard plan will run you $999 for 17 months or $118 monthly, and a premium plan is $1999/17 months or $228 monthly.

However, the premium plan shows why Trade Ideas may be the world’s best A.I. stock picker.

Trade Ideas has an AI platform named “Holly.” Holly generates real-time trade recommendations for subscribers and consists of more than 70 proprietary algorithms. It then runs over 1 million simulated trades before the market opens and picks stocks in real-time while recommending entry and exit points.

Trade Ideas has no mobile app, but Holly works as well as any stock signals app. Holly rapidly detects stock market buy and sell signals and unusual activity. Users can then filter the stock trading signals in real-time.

Lacking an app could hinder its ability to provide stock alerts. Yet its ALERT index newsletter and Standard and Premium packages do it so well to the point where they all work like a stock alert app.

Trade Ideas offers simulated live trading, trading rooms, and streaming trade ideas. Additionally, it provides valuable educational resources such as webinars and ebooks.


Day traders


Scanz News Streamer – $79/month,

The Trade Scanner -$99/month,

Together – $149/month

  • Easy to learn and use
  • Outstanding educational resources for technical analysis
  • Real-time scans, stock screener results, and stock data
  • Real-time news feed and comprehensive news coverage
  • Customizable filters and software
  • Exceptional tools for stock signals and charts
  • Integrates with Interactive Brokers and TD Ameritrade
  • Broker integration still has some kinks to work out
  • Expensive plans
  • No social component or trading community

Scanz is a comprehensive scanning platform and news feed geared towards day traders. It provides by-the-second stock data from around the market.

Its stock signals and alerts also perform as well as any stock alert app.

Timing is everything for day traders, and Scanz knows that. It provides some of the fastest alerts in the industry today, with zero latency. Users can build customized scans using filters to stay ahead of the market. The “FilterBuilder” is a top-rated tool where users can pick stocks based on value, growth, momentum, and more.

Moreover, users can filter penny stocks and find more deeply vetted picks than a penny stock newsletter.

The platform’s shocking simplicity also makes it easy for users to get notified with alerts rather than constantly refreshing price screens and searching for news.

For $79/month, users can sign up for the Scanz News Streamer. This service includes news and SEC filing alerts. It includes streaming charts, two online discount broker integrations, and more.

The Trade Scanner comes at a $99/month price. You get scanning data, alerts as fast as any stock alert app, unlimited watchlists, streaming charts, a montage window, and more.

Users who want both can have them together at $149/month.


Penny stock traders


$29.95-$74.95 per month. Users can have a private profile and/or view other people’s trades for the extra $20-$45/month.

  • Maybe the best stock picking service for penny stocks
  • Vibrant, growing trading community
  • Leaderboard brings competition and the ability to track guru and user performances
  • Affordable packages
  • Provides ​​stock trading signals and alerts
  • Overlapping products and services
  • Penny stocks are very risky
  • Questionable promotional tactics- funnels traffic to Tim Sykes products has better insight on picking penny stocks than whatever the best penny stock newsletter is out there.

Penny stocks are hit or miss and extremely risky. But when you hit, the profits are generation-altering. founder, Tim Sykes, for example, flipped $12,000 into $2,000,000 from penny stocks.

Sykes took this success and launched to bring transparency to penny stocks. is a popular social day trading community with over 122,000 members. It brings performance tracking, leaderboards, networking, transparency, and crowdsourcing into one unique stock picking service.

The site is big on transparency. Users can post trades and link them to trading accounts for recording and verifying performance. Any user who calls a trade’s bluff can click the “Madoff” button to launch an investigation. posts the results of the top traders on its leaderboard. Users can sort by category or by time period. Four gurus also trade on, and users can see their trades in real-time, leaderboard style, with a subscription. Premium starts at $29.95 per month and goes up to $74.95 per month. The extra $20-$45/month enables users to have a private profile and/or view other people’s trades.


Buy-and-hold growth investors


$199 per year , discounted $89 offer for the first year (new members only)

  • Discounted new member price
  • Consistently outperforms the S&P 500
  • Immense amount of research and educational tools
  • Great for beginners
  • Some of the best stock picking newsletters
  • Real-time stock alerts
  • Renewal price is over $100 higher than first year price
  • Not for aggressive day traders, chartists, or technical analysts.
  • Doesn’t always pick winners

The Motley Fool has been around for roughly three decades. Yet while you may think of The Motley Fool as little more than a stock market newsletter, its premium Motley Fool Stock Advisor service might be the best stock picking service for long-term investors.

Just look at how Motley Fool Stock Advisor picks outperformed the S&P 500 nearly 3x since its inception (as of July 2022).

There’s a reason why there’s over 700,000 subscribers.

Motley Fool Advisor may be the best for consistent market outperformance compared to other stock picking services.

If you subscribe to Motley Fool Stock Advisor, you’ll see first-hand their history of stock picking success.

The service also includes four newsletters a month. The first and third newsletter contains a new stock recommendation, and the second and fourth newsletter contains five stock picks to buy. Each newsletter is unique- you’ll be hard-pressed to find a better stock picks newsletter today.

When market conditions change, subscribers receive notifications like a stock alert app. “Sell” recommendation emails will appear in real-time, for example.

Beyond the weekly stock newsletter content, subscribers also get access to “Starter Stocks” for new investors, “Top 10 Best Buys Now” out of 300 stocks, and access to a community of engaged investors.


Buy-and-hold investors


Premium – $19.99/month,

Pro -$199.99/month

  • World’s largest investing community
  • Reasonably priced with strong features
  • Proprietary stock screeners and quantitative tools
  • Top-rated stock picks have consistently outperformed
  • 4.2 out of 5 stars on Trustpilot.
  • Minimal mutual fund coverage

Seeking Alpha is the world’s largest investing community. It also might be the best stock picking service for investment research and recommendations.

While its free service gets you stock market newsletter content, Seeking Alpha Premium goes further to help users improve their portfolio via investing ideas, stock research tools, and real-time news.

Seeking Alpha Premium caters to both beginning and advanced investors. It’s a reasonably priced, comprehensive one-stop shop for everything related to the stock market.

You’ll get access to 15 of the best stock market newsletters in the world today. Nowhere else can you receive this amount of unique insights and stock picks based on deep research and analysis, commentary, and recommendations.

For just $19.99 per month, you’ll also get stock picks based on proprietary quant ratings. Seeking Alpha’s quant rating system painstaking vets stocks before recommending them. With deep quantitative and fundamental analysis, Seeking Alpha’s best-rated stocks have outperformed the market considerably over the long term.

A premium package will also land you

  • Unlimited earnings call audio and transcripts
  • Powerful stock screeners and the ability to compare stocks side-by-side
  • Critical data, charts, and ratings
  • Performance tracking
  • A decade worth of financial statements
  • Dividend and earnings forecasts
  • Trending News feed
  • Crowdsourced debates
  • Ad-lite interface

If you’re a professional investor, perhaps you’ll want to shell out the extra cash for a Pro subscription. A Pro subscription offers the same perks as Premium, but with more exclusive content, VIP services, and no ads.


Day traders


Entry Level ($2,900),

Essentials ($5,900),

Most Popular ($7,900),

Most Valuable ($9,900) plus $35 monthly fee for software updates and additional data.

  • User-friendly interface
  • Accurate and reliable
  • 87.4% accuracy rate when making market predictions 3-days ahead of time
  • Can compare numerous global indices
  • Educational resources
  • A+ BBB Rating
  • Proven software with over 40 years of experience
  • Must connect manually to a brokerage- does not integrate directly
  • One of the most expensive stock picking services in the market
  • Not for beginners

With an advanced A.I. algorithm, VantagePoint Software ranks as one of, if not the best A.I. stock picker.

Built on software invented by computing pioneer Louis Mendelsohn in the 1980s, VantagePoint claims that it has the tech to predict market trends. With years of reliability in terms of easy usage and accuracy, it’s not some empty claim. By combining A.I. with stock trading signals and advanced Intermarket analysis, it has an 87.4% accuracy rate when making market predictions 3-days ahead of time.

While no stock picking service is accurate 100% of the time, VantagePoint’s calculated forecasts and stock picking accuracy are awfully impressive.

VantagePoint doesn’t just cover U.S. & Canadian Stocks, however. It also offers Forex, Futures & Commodities, ETFs, and crypto predictions.

Aside from the software and trend forecasting VantagePoint also provides comprehensive intraday analysis, Intermarket coverage, and education.

Its educational resources, especially with its software’s track record, are immensely valuable and include

  • Software lessons
  • Day and swing trading tips
  • Trade day preparations
  • Sessions on Options, Forex, Futures, and Cryptocurrency

VantagePoint isn’t patented and trusted by over 35,000 traders, with an A+ BBB Rating for nothing.


Day traders


Discovery – $69/month, $147/quarter, $555/year

Pro – $129/month, $259/quarter, $779/year.

7-day, $1 trial.

  • Widespread market and asset coverage
  • Outstanding charts and technical analysis
  • Analyzes support and resistance levels across multiple timeframes
  • Daily trade ideas
  • Integrates with 600+ brokerages
  • More expensive than other stock picking services
  • Web-based platform only
  • Limited alerts

For day traders looking to access multiple assets in over 600 global markets, Breakfree Trading is your pick. It’s a cutting-edge platform offering ideas, stock market signals, trends, and comprehensive technical charts.

The technical charts might be Breakfree’s bread and butter. Its simple tools offer comprehensive and customizable tools that break down over 100 indicators and stock trading signals.

Breakfree also offers “Real Time Trend Detection.” This algorithm-driven system analyzes long-term and short-term price trends and projects whether an asset will rise or fall.

Many other valuable tools include support and resistance analysis, alerts, and actionable trade ideas. Traders can expect roughly 5-10 stock picks per day.

Having said all that, it will cost you a pretty penny. The Discovery plan is $69/month, $147/quarter, and $555/year. While it provides charting software, support and resistance analysis, and trade ideas down to 15-minute intervals, it’s limited to forex, gold, silver, and indices.

The Pro plan, however, goes for $129/month, $259/quarter, and $779/year. It adds support for stocks, cryptocurrencies, futures, and bonds and support and resistance analysis at 1-minute intervals.

However, consider that this isn’t the best stock alert app. Breakfree offers alerts for prices and new trades via email, SMS, or audio. However, it doesn’t support alerts for indicators, chart patterns, or technicals.


Medium-term investors


$595/quarter, $1,595/year. 14-day free trial.

  • Marc Chaikin has been in the investing world for nearly five decades and has credibility
  • Simple yet powerful and practical tools that simplify ratings for 4,000+ stocks and 1,700+ ETFs
  • Helpful for everyday traders, yet Wall Street professionals use Chaikin Analytics
  • Expensive service, especially if you don’t need all the features
  • Limited charting
  • Limited filters for technical and fundamental screening

Marc Chaikin is an investing legend with almost five decades of experience. So when word got out that he started Chaikin Analytics, a robust stock and ETF research platform, people took notice.

While the stock picking service has limited charting options and limited filters for technical and fundamental stock screening, it’s tailor-made for people looking to simplify their stock picking. That’s not to say Chaikin analytics uses simple research. Just the opposite. Chaikin Analytics takes Marc Chaikin’s popular tools like his Chaikin Money Flow indicator, combines it with over 20 technical and fundamental factors, and rates over 4,000 stocks and 1,700 ETFs on a Very Bullish to Very Bearish scale.

Chaikin makes it that simple but also gives well-rounded explanations as to why a stock or ETF received a specific grade.

Chaikin Analytics is more of a research platform than a stock picker. It appeals to medium-term investors because its rating lasts 3-6 months. Options traders may also find the platform intriguing because it integrates with OptionsPlay.

Having said all that, you might find the pricing packages of ​​$595/quarter and $1,595/year a bit steep for a relatively basic platform compared to the best stock picking services.


The beauty of the democratization of investing is that you have many choices regarding what’s best for you. Perhaps you want more of a comprehensive stock scanner, or you want a well-rounded stock picker. Maybe you’re more of an options trader that would find Rockwell Trading the best stock picker, or you’re more of a long-term investor fit for Motley Fool or Seeking Alpha. Maybe stock pickers like Trade-Ideas and VantagePoint software fit because they might be the best A.I. stock pickers.

The bottom line is that finding the best stock picking service depends on what type of investor you are and what your goals are. Everybody is different, and it’s your money. You are the one in control.

There are several phenomenal options on this list. As the retail revolution continues, these stock picking services are only evolving and improving. There is something for everyone, and the world is truly your oyster.

Best of luck and happy trading!

Extended Summary Table: An Extended look at the 5 Top Stock Picking Companies

Armed with little more than a smartphone or computer, investors like you move the markets. You no longer need a broker or a financial advisor to hold your hand. You don’t need to wait on anything or anyone to chase your financial destiny.

You only need the proper resources and tools to pick the best stocks. The power is in your hands, and never has there been a more opportune time to grab the bull by horns.

Even though the market is uncertain, there is always a bull market somewhere. Successful stock picking involves many strategies to help you profit from the chaos and pick winning trades.

But if you want to fast-track your gains, step 1 is selecting the best stock picking service.

Of course, you should always do your due diligence. But especially if you’re only starting, stock picking services can save you time and make you money with accurate outperforming selections.

Anyone can buy an index fund or use a stock market advisor- either a robot or a real person. But if you want to tap into your potential and swing for the fences, doing it yourself by finding the best stock picking service is the way to go.

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Please speak to your financial advisor before making any investment decisions, and consider the following points before investing:

  • Do not invest more than you can afford to lose
  • There are inherent risks involved with investing in the stock market, including the loss of your investment
  • Actual trading results will vary widely given a variety of factors such as experience, skill, risk mitigation practices, market dynamics and the amount of capital deployed
  • All investments carry a certain level of risk
  • Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results, and the results presented are NOT TYPICAL, and should not be understood as typical
  • Stock picking isn’t an exact science. Regardless of which stock picking service you choose, you should expect that some trades will result in losses.
  • Don’t trust any stock picking service that promises huge gains without any risk of loss
  • If it’s too good to be true, it probably is

Written by

Robert Samuels

Robert Samuels is a financial copywriter and business consultant who has worked with various clients in numerous industries and sectors. He received his undergraduate degree from the University of Maryland and worked in music, sports, and entertainment for several years. Capped by a successful exit after selling a boxing website, Robert soon relocated overseas for a few years. After teaching himself stock market basics and financial fundamentals, he leveraged this newfound passion into a Master’s Degree from Harvard University’s ALM Finance extension program, where he received a 3.87 GPA and Dean’s List distinction.

Through this program, Robert also acquired a graduate certificate in Real Estate Investment and a graduate certificate in Corporate Finance. With a diverse professional background, both as an employee and entrepreneur, Robert is highly driven, passionate, and a great communicator who loves discussing finance.

Want to connect with Kat? Follow her on LinkedIn .

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