Using statistics to improve my trading - Stock Region News

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Using statistics to improve my trading



Hi, my Buffalo Bills game got moved to Monday evening, so I’m full teacher mode now.

Over this 3-day weekend I’ll share 10 lessons with you that I’ve learned trying to grow $2,000 balances.

It’s become my most popular service, eclipsing Jason Bond Picks.

While I have mastered the skills to trade my options strategy with a large account, I wanted to prove to people that, with just a small account you could successfully apply the same principles. 

I was on a mission in 2023 to create a blueprint for readers.

I’ve accomplished my goal.

Let’s start with data. 

I analyze my performance so I can lean into what’s working and fix what’s broken.

Of the 11 Journey’s I’ve journaled, the win rate is a staggering 86%.

Peak performances (the highest each balance has grown before stalling)

  • $8,377 across 48 days (3rd best peak)

  • $5,994 across 28 days 

  • $2,618 across 7 days

  • $31,856 across 102 days (best peak)

  • $8,744 across 59 days (2nd best peak)

  • $2,471 across 7 days

  • $6,483 across 13 days

  • $6,775 across 22 days

  • $2,516 across 4 days 

  • $6,959 across 25 days

  • $5,179 across 61 days (active)

The average peak is $2,000 – $7,997.

That’s an 86% win rate

That is across over 200 trades in 2023. 

In 2023 I would close balances either at a profit or at $0. 

In 2024 I will start a new $2,000 balance on the 1st of each month and close it at the end of the month. 

I’m extremely confident that I will be able to demonstrate to people time and time again, how I can double (possibly much more) $2,000 in a single month. 

Don’t you think that would be a great thing to learn how to do in 2024?

I’m on a mission to design the best strategy possible and teach it to others.

It’s going very well. Members enjoy Journey.


When learning to trade a new strategy, transparency, and explicit details are extremely important. 

That’s why all trades are alerted to subscribers’ smartphones moments before my entry and exit.

Strengths and weaknesses.

I’m very strong at getting balances off the ground by finding consistent winners. 

In 2023, my average winning trade was 30% or $516 in a few days. 

When I do have losses I tend to let them exceed the winners meaning I need to create tighter stops if I’m going to improve.  

In 2023 I started new balances on a whim, sometimes running up to 3 at a time, but found that to be overwhelming. 

In 2024 my plan is to start a new $2,000 balance on the 1st of each month and grow it as big as I can. 

At the end of the month I rebalance back down to $2,000.

Currently I’m running a $5,179 balance in January.

And just started a fresh $2,000 balance for the rest of January. 


That’s a SAVINGS or $240 off yearly (CLICK HERE) …

Or $300 off an unlimited plan (JOIN NOW).

Markets closed Monday for holiday.

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