China’s demise 💩 brings massive opportunity - Stock Region News

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

China’s demise 💩 brings massive opportunity



Grateful to my members for taking the time to review Bullseye on TrustPilot (4.7/5 Stars!). Here’s one of my favorites from a couple days ago — thanks, Nick! Appreciate everyone’s feedback and time!


And if you haven’t been following the drama in China lately, I think it is something to get on your radar!

We all know about the roaring Chinese economy over the last 20 years.  But, have you been watching things lately?

A lot of that growth was from propping up their economy by building countless ghost cities and fudging economic numbers at an alarming rate.

I took it very personally when so-called “experts” were bloviating about how China’s economy was on a tear.

Well, unless you’ve been living under a rock these past couple of weeks, you know that China is in some deep doo-doo 1f4a9right now.


Hey, don’t look now, but the Heng Seng, which represents Hong Kong’s stock exchange, is basically moving in the complete opposite direction of the mighty S&P 500. 


The Chinese are well aware of the freefall of their stock markets, and they rushed today to make an emergency rate cut.  

Look at the divergence of rates prior to the cut announced this morning…


This is something I fear for the US as well. 

All traders are hoping for rate cuts to prop the market up, but do you really want that?

When those rate cuts come, it is because the economy is in trouble – not because everything is all roses!

So, when it comes to China, what am I doing during this epic collapse, other than prepping another bowl of popcorn?

I am building my next Bullseye Unlimited watchlist to capture opportunities in foreign companies that stand to benefit from China’s loosening grip on manufacturing.

Just like I did this week BEFORE the rest of the world started jumping in China stocks.

I told my Unlimited members it was time to look at Baidu (BIDU), one of the largest, most beaten-down Chinese tech companies.


Looks like ANOTHER 100%+ trade idea they get to benefit from!

Life is pretty good for folks who get my alerts!

Wait… are you still missing out?!

As a trained economist and 20+ trading veteran, “Uncle Jeff” here is better at this than I am at barbecuing…and I am pretty darn good at that.


Like, seriously…look at that setup!

Anyway, my Bullseye Unlimited trade service is off to an amazing start in 2024.

Just look at some examples of the ROCKETS I am finding for my Bullseye Unlimited members lately:

ADBE options I alerted ran up over 370%


Note: Trading is hard, results not guaranteed and should not be expected to be replicated typically.

And who doesn’t know about my call on AMD options to start the year off:

AMD options up over 1350% in just 9 days!!


Note: Trading is hard, results not guaranteed and should not be expected to be replicated typically.

Now, I just delivered my latest watchlist to my Bullseye Unlimited members, and it is not too late to take advantage of the breakout.

Join a community of traders who are learning EVERY DAY how to use the right options strategies to capture volatility changes and relative strength developments like these.

Can you imagine how AWESOME 2024 could be with my top 3 personally curated ideas every day at your disposal?

Without the strategies I’ve developed over my 20+ year trading career, you are at a disadvantage.

Quit being left behind on this fantastic ride 1f3a2

P.S. As always, for questions about any of our services, contact our amazing sales team at 1-800-585-4488 / [email protected] / [email protected]. They’d love to hear from you!

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from NYSE Updates – My Blog

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